alphagrindingmedia > Balls that make life!

Balls that make life!

I was looking up the word “ball” in Oxford collocations dictionary and I came across adjectives like bowling, cricket, golf, ping-pong, rugby, soccer, tennis, etc. or beach, match, practice and rubber in another sense. But why the term “GRINDING BALLS” is missing? I’m asking because I believe grinding balls are indeed the most vital balls of all times! Why is that? Here’s the deal. Grinding media are particles of steel that are produced through different methods to powderize mineral ores in ball mills for further processing in concentration plants. Once particles are small enough, mineral recovery begins and this is one of the most critical foundations of modern life.

Imagine a soccer field without goals, a basketball court without rims, or a nice evening in a ballroom with no lights. Iron, copper, silver, gold, and several other elements are produced by grinding balls to make our lives better. So it’s the grinding balls that make other balls role! Let’s broaden our view a little bit. It takes only a few seconds till you grasp the amazing role grinding media play in literally everything. Metals and minerals are extracted from the heart of the mother earth and ground in ball mills to produce elements and consequently alloys that are cornerstone of different industries.

Energy has always been a great concern to human being. From ancient times man has struggled to find access to energy sources for cooking, warmth and in the last few centuries to accelerate INDUSTRIALIZATION. In spite of the recent developments in renewable energies, we are still pretty much dependent on fossil fuels. After exploration, the very first step in oil & gas production is drilling which requires drilling mud that is mainly composed of barite, bentonite, and hematite as drilling fluids. Such minerals are also produced by grinding balls in balls mills.

Glass, ceramic and several other industries directly and indirectly depend on grinding balls. So let’s not forget the essence of the most crucial yet neglected ball that has ever existed and that’s by a far margin grinding ball.

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